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Equality Meets Opportunity

Get involved to ensure that our children and grandchildren will enjoy and protect the republic that was passed down to us.


OUR History

It all started in 1972 when Phyllis Schlafly, who then lived in Alton, IL, decided to oppose the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment being pushed by the newly emerging feminist movement. This battle continued for the next 10 years until its final defeat. Phyllis organized groups all across the nation. In 1975, Phyllis realized that even after ERA was defeated, the battle for conservative family values would go on as the left would not give up, but would work to achieve their goals on an incremental basis. So even before ERA was defeated, she started the organization of grassroots activists called Eagle Forum.

Phyllis, along with other leaders, traveled the country, including Michigan, to speak the truth about ERA and what it would mean to our society if it were passed. They spoke to any group that would listen and explained how it would affect women, families, the military and every aspect of American life.


1977 was declared as the “Year of the Woman”, and it was this year that feminist activists thought would be the victory year for ERA. A convention of delegates to promote this was held in Dallas and was promoted by the Carter Administration. The ERA would have enshrined in the Constitution changes that, rather than empower women, would have removed all legal protections for them. It would have required the draft of women to serve in the military, controlled many other aspects of family life and womanhood, especially rejecting the value of the stay-at-home mother as the center of family life.


Eagle Forum of Michigan is a (501c3) issue-based organization of dedicated volunteers mobilized in support of individual liberty, responsibility, the sanctity of life, and Constitutional principles of government. Our purpose is to educate the public on the important role and rights of the family and to advance the status of women, to defend their existing civil, legal, economic, moral and social rights, especially those pertaining to the family, marriage, children, education, and employment. The National organization includes many men as well as women and teens through our Teen Eagle Organization.

Eagle Forum of Michigan is the lobbying arm of the organization and works to protect Michigan’s families in public policy initiatives and reform efforts. Eagle Forum of Michigan is the state’s leading grass roots Conservative organization addressing issues from parental rights to economic liberty because they all impact the family. We believe strong families are the foundation of prosperity in Michigan and the nation.

“They that wait upon the Lord shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.”  Isaiah 40:31


OUR Values


Government spending is out of control. We support spending caps, a moratorium on earmarks and entitlement reform to prevent our country from going bankrupt. More government spending and higher deficits are not the answer to America’s hard economic times. Higher deficits put America’s safety and security at risk and shift the burden of our problems to future generations. People should be free to create and operate business ventures. An open market and free enterprise are best for a thriving economy.


Education is the prerogative and rights of parents. It functions best at the state and local levels. The federal government, unions, and unelected bureaucratic departments should not be involved in education policy. As we have witnessed with the disastrous results of Common Core and other federal efforts in education, the best oversight of education is left to those closest to the family.


We believe that energy independence is vital for both our economic and national security. The best way to achieve that goal is through the increased use of our domestic resources. This includes drilling domestically, both onshore and off, and using nuclear power, clean coal and natural gas and will not support an environmentalist, green agenda that penalizes business and controls people’s lives.


We believe God made man to have dominion over and to be a steward of the Earth. We are responsible for how we use the resources that have been given to us, and should avoid unnecessary risks to the environment. We should use the resources available to us in a prudent manner.


“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness –That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men….”  – Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence

We believe that in order to secure our God-given rights, our government:

  • Must maintain social order

  • Provide public services

  • Provide national protection

  • Make national economic decisions


We believe individuals, not the government, should be allowed to choose the health coverage that best meets their needs. We believe that true healthcare reform must give patients maximum control over their own care and treatment. Some ways these goals can be accomplished are to enable individuals to use health savings accounts, high-deductible insurance plans, and tax credits for individuals who purchase their own insurance. Allowing insurance companies to compete across state lines will help reduce costs.


We believe the United States must have an immigration policy that strengthens and secures America’s borders. We believe that America’s immigration policy should be enforced, including the removal of unlawful persons and the enforcement of immigration and workplace laws. We believe that state and local governments should have authority to enforce these laws in cooperation with federal immigration agencies.


We believe it is the duty of judges to interpret the Constitution and laws as they are written. Courts should not be policy-making bodies. We oppose all forms of judicial activism.

Marriage and Family

We believe that God established the family as the basic unit of society. The family consists of those related by blood, marriage or adoption. We believe in no marriage relationship other than one between a man and woman.

Sanctity of Life

We work to ensure the sanctity of innocent human life, which begins at conception. Life is sacred and should be protected at all costs.


Personal data privacy is a hallmark of a free society. We support confidentiality of medical and personal records. We support statutes that prohibit any centralized government database. We oppose government holding dossiers on free Americans.


We believe that low taxes, a free market economy and limited government regulation are necessary components of a healthy economic system. We promote economic policies that further these goals and allow hard working Americans to benefit from their own ingenuity and industriousness.

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